Monday, December 7, 2015


Hey everyone!!!!!!

I hope that all of you are doing so well!

There isn't a lot to report. Pretty basic, a couple of cool things happened but for the most part it felt like a pretty basic missionary week.

We did 15 hours of door knocking this week and teach lessons and all that good stuff, haha!  A few people said yes, a lot of people said no. Just kind of the same old thing!

So, a cool experience did happen-

We stopped by an investigator's house to see how she was doing. Her and her two daughters are on date to be baptized. While we are there, the father of the two daughters introduces himself, and we are like "Ya my name is Sister Wilde...etc." Then while we are in talking to the women, he says "ARE YOU THE LDS MISSIONARY GIRLS?" and of course we are like "Yes we are!" he says "Do you have a Mormon Bible that I can have?" I am like HECK YA!... but I really kept it cool and said "For sure I've got one right here." :)

Then he keeps talking saying how he had met with missionaries like 10 years ago. He lives in a trailer park and those are almost always No Trespassing- so of course we aren't able to go to those. I don't mind knocking trailer parks, we just can't because of the no trespassing...But this experience taught us again that if someone is ready for the gospel, God will bring them to us hahah ;) 

ANYWAYSSSSS.... He says "So how can I become an Elder? (missionary) " and we explain you would need to be baptized and married. He literally is so prepared by the Lord it is unreal. He says "WAHOOO GO MORMONS!!!" then he said "Ya I hope my life keeps taking me in this direction because I want to be a member of your church, I want to be baptized."   It was literally so cool!!!!!!

So even though it was a pretty average week it was great too, that experience was awesome. Seeing people being prepared by the Lord is one of the greatest things to see as a missionary. Knowing that there are people who need this gospel and who are truly looking for it is why I am on a mission!  I love the people of Mt Pleasant. Of all places I could've gone... Europe, Australia, New Zealand, I am called to Lansing Michigan in Mt. Pleasant. It truly shows that there are specific people that I have been called here to serve and I love it and I love this work!

I love all of you so much and I challenge you all to read from Luke this holiday season. Learn more of the life of Jesus Christ and remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

Thank you for your prayers! Please keep praying for our investigators, I know they can use them as well as Sister Ensign and I!!!!! 

Keep letting me know how you all are doing! 

Until next Monday:) I LLOOVVEE YYYOOOUUU GGUUYYSSS!!!!!! :)

Love, Sister Wilde

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