Monday, December 14, 2015


Hey, Hey Everybody!!

How are you all? I mean that is a pretty open question haha, but if you guys were doing bad I would hope you would tell me so I can do something to help you out! But for the time being I am going to assume you are all doing pretty good!!!

So this week was crazyyyyyy fun!!!:) Sister Ensign and I just laughed all week it was awesome! 

(Sorry my emails are so ADHD haha but I hope that you all enjoy reading them!) 

So first thing is last P-Day we went to Frankenmuth which is a German town with the world's largest CHRISTmas store. I know, just the most random thing in MICHIGAN! It was awesome!

Here is kind of the funny story for this week! So we are out door knocking right? Just the usual missionary life you know? I see these two guys getting stuff out of their truck so we walk over there and I say, "Hey!  Can we help you two with anything?" And he was like "YES!" So we go over and he hands us these little rakes and this tub thing with a garbage bag in it. So I say, "Oh are we raking leaves?" To which I get no response...We walk over around this house and he points down and says..."This is Dog Poo Poo.." hahaha oh my goodness I could only imagine Sister Ensign wanted to kill me about then,haha! Anyways we start shoveling it in, I'm laughing and Sister Ensign is gagging! Hahah, so hilarious! Then the man walks over and gives us....I kid you not....A...20...minute...sermon!!! THEN proceeds to tell us that we do not believe in Jesus Christ! I am like, HEY LISTEN HERE, YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT I WOULD NOT BE CLEANING UP THIS NASTY DOG POO IF I DIDN'T BELIEVE IN THE SAVIOR. Oh my goodness it was ridiculous and funny. And also one of the reasons to love being a missionary. 

Then the best thing ever happened! We received this referral for Grand Rapids, and as some of you might know that is where my friend, Elder Lundell is serving. So I am thinking we call the AP's and give them the referral and we call and they tell us that we can just call the Grand Rapids Elders. So we call, and Sister Ensign says "How crazy would it be if he answered and said -Hi This is Elder Lundell." Two seconds later on the other end of the phone I hear..."Hello This is Elder Lundell!" I just freaked out that was the highlight of my week for sure! Hearing a familiar voice and talking to one of my good friends just made my whole day!! We only got to talk for 10 minutes but it was so great!! It made me smile!

I had my first transfer calls, and of course I am staying in the big MP!!!!:) I love it here, I never want to leave! It is so great and the people are all so amazing!!!:::))) 

Also this week, we got to be a part of Calie's baptism.  She has had her date to be baptized almost a year.  The Elders worked with her and she wanted to be baptized on her 20th birthday and she was!  It was so great.

One of my favorite things we did this week was go and sing Christmas carols at the Alzheimer's unit of the hospital.  While we were there a sweet lady yelled out, "Hey my name is Linda!" So we walk over to her and she goes "HEY I KNOW YOU, YOU GO TO MY CHURCH!" and Sister Ensign and I are just like "Why are you in here?" We aren't really sure why she was there, but it was so fun to spend time with her and the other patients. She is the cutest little thing, she told me I need to gain a few pounds that it will sweeten me up! Hahahaha! She just kept telling me she loved me and how sweet we were, she is the cutest!

Just know that I am doing so good out here! I love every minute of being a missionary even if those minutes are hard!! I encourage and challenge you all to read Luke 2 as a family this Christmas season!! I know it will bring the spirit of Christ into your homes!!!:) 

Remember the real reason for this holiday season which is the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!:)

I love you all so so so so much!!!! I love hearing form you of course! Keep me updated on your life! Until next week, I love you!!!

Love, Sister Wilde
The Dream Team in Mount Pleasant :)

Sister Wilde, Linda and Sister Ensign

Sister Wilde said this was just a cute little pony they ran into while tracting

Crazy Companions in Frankenmuth, Michigan.  
Home of Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland,

Sister Wilde and her District

 Sister Ensign, 
Calie a new member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 
and Sister Wilde

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