Monday, December 28, 2015



I hope that you all just had the best Christmas ever!!! Hopefully Santa got to come visit you all!! I had a great Christmas! It was very unique as well!!

On Christmas Eve we did service for others, we took them gifts and cookies! We also saw this homeless man on the street and I said "Stop, let's go give that guy some cookies!!!" (Sister Ensign was driving) and so we turned around gave him cookies and got his number and we will be meeting with him soon! So that was way cool! Then we went to a members home and ate and hung out with them. We had to do this thing called "Play for Pie" basically you just do a talent, so since I am just SOOOO talented at the piano ;) I poorly played Sweet Hour Of Prayer hahahah - but I still got good treats so obviously I wasn't that bad. ;) 

On Christmas I got to talk to my FAMILY!!!!!!!!!! Thats what I'm talkin' about!!!!::::)))) So much fun! We Skyped at May's home, he is the ward mission leader, it was so much fun! After that we went and napped, haha lame I know.  But I wasn't even mad, if I can get some extra sleep I won't complain! hahaha!  Then we went and had Christmas dinner with the Hammers! And OH MY GOODNESS EVERYBODY!!!!! It was so good! Christmas was wonderful to say the least!

Not a ton happened this week, we did go door knocking over by Lake Isabella and the air is a bit colder by the lake! The lake water make my hair grow I'm pretty sure (A joke in our mission, haha ;)) Anyways, while knocking, a lady let us in and made us hot chocolate and had us sit and hang out with her! She was so cool! 

Then that same day the very last home we knocked on was this Jewish man and he wasn't interested in being a Mormon but he LOVES the Mormons. He just kept chanting "GO MORMONS..GO MORMONS!" HAHA then he joked about Christmas and was like "I'm a Jew what the heck am I supposed to do during Christmas break?" haha oh man I wanted that guy to be my best friend! hahaha Sister Ensign and I were laughing so hard! 

So my last little thing for this week...I want to challenge you all to read Alma 26! I'm not going to give anything away BUT!!! I want to say that life is is really hard sometimes..harder then we hope it would be at times. But in this chapter it talks about how we can be strengthened by the Lord and how we can be blessed! So I strongly encourage you all to read that chapter because it is so good!!!:) I testify that reading the Book of Mormon brings miracles and it will bring peace and comfort to your life I know that because it has brought that to mine!! 

I love all of you so much and I thank you for your love and support! It means the world to me and I thank you for trying to make my Christmas special because it was special!! I hope you have a great rest of your week and I cannot wait to talk to you all!!!!!

Love, Sister Wilde

Christmas Eve with the Melton Family on Christmas Eve

Sister Wilde at the Half Mission Christmas Party

Sister Wilde with Sister Jacobsen, the Mission President's Wife

Sister Wilde, Sister Ensign and the Zone Leaders 
who live across the street and serve with them in Mt Pleasant

A little ice skating fun with her District today!

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